General Information:
I consider the terms Teacups and Tiny Toys to include all dogs with a projected adult weight of less than four (4) pounds.
These tiny little friends are so delicate that unless you are prepared properly, you will not be a successful puppy parent.
One of our Veterinarians once said “As far as Teacups are concerned, I cannot decide if they have medical problems because they are so small, or if they are small because they have medical problems.”
Because some of these little dogs can have health concerns, I have had to establish some firm conditions.
Specific Conditions:
I will not:
1……ship a teacup or tiny toy regardless of the circumstances……they must be picked up in person or delivered.
2……give full registration for a teacup or tiny toy because they really are not intended to be good breeding candidates.
3……provide any guarantee for these little ones as described in the General Information section above because they have proved themselves as an extremely high maintenance pet.
4……place a teacup in a home with small children, nor will we place one of these little dogs in a home where a human is not available , 24/7 or day and night.
Special Care Concerns:
Hopefully, by this point you must be gaining the understanding that Teacups and Tiny Toys require additional care and maintenance.
To enable you to provide only the finest medical care for your teacup, we recommend that you obtain Pet Medical Insurance. We have a link for one of the more reputable insurance providers on our links page or click here.
Because their stomachs are unable to ingest enough food to maintain growth and normal activity their dietary needs require scrupulous attention. Therefore, they require frequent small meals.
They have a predisposition to attacks of hypoglycemia during their growth period and up to 8 months of age and an attack of hypoglycemia will manifest itself as a lethargy and weakness. Proof positive is a test of placing them on all four legs, if they are unable to stand, they are having an attack.
Prevention is always the first and best cure, so if you are in doubt, treat even the mild symptoms as a full-blown attack and a first aid regimen at this point is to place a pea sized drop of honey on the puppy’s tongue (or Karo syrup).
This should be repeated at 20 minute intervals until normal activity and behaviors resume and once the puppy is stabilized, a meal should follow.
In order to prevent the onset of symptoms, a drop of honey first thing in the morning, and the last thing at night is required. During each day, a sweetened cereal, (Captain Crunch, Honey Nut Cheerios and the like) should be included with the puppy’s free choice dry puppy food.
Moist meals should be given as often as is necessary to keep the puppy stable (we can provide a recipe for a moist meal mix). You may substitute, IAM’S Canned Lamb and Rice Dog Food.
A good emergency ration is baby food meat, any flavor (excellent for traveling); another option is finely chopped well cooked, skinned, uncoated chicken.